little girls just wanna have fun
so, I heard Naomi singing some Cindy Lauper the other day while we perused a local thrift store–this really is the life I’ve always dreamed of; & while I almost blogged about my pride of her eclectic music repertoire–which includes your choice of any one of a thousand traditional kid riddles, it also consists of family faves like the Decemberists, Kelly Clarkson, Michael Buble (her favorite man), Sound of Music, newly added The Princess & the Frog, Sound of Music–did I mention Sound of Music?
butterfly girl
BUT, it occurred to me that the clearly charming & adorably mischievous personality of Leviah rarely gets mentioned. Below is a tune that reminds me of her by an artist I just noticed today to be completely delightful–we must download more! (listen to “dream”)
so. here are a few things about our little lioness that are really beginning to shine.
1. she gets everything. you say, “go give this to da-da”–she complies
2. she is clever. she plays tricks on us & looks out of the corner of her eye to see if we noticed.
3. she’s insane. she climbs, falls, jumps, walks, falls, screams, shouts, tickles, dances, prefers to be upside down, falls…this girl climbs to the top (spotted of course) of our attic ladder with NO assistance & in very slippery footie pjs–might I add.
4. she’s sweet. she hugs, kisses, snuggles (temporarily), senses others’ pain, welcomes guests.
5. in so many ways I see her dad which is probably why I am much more patient with her sometimes frustratingly strong will than he. But she’s a delight to watch grow.
As far as I can tell Naomi is most definitely our pleasantness & Lev is our strong loving lion cub–let me tell you, she can roar!

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