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Recipe: Healing Salve

Healing Salve

Salves sound fancy, but are really very simple to make and adding essential oils to them is the perfect way to create your own lotions and rubs that are wonderful for all kinds of different health needs. From dry skin, to sore muscles, to soothing congestion and on. They are a very traditional and effective way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils topically! Using the basic combination of Coconut Oil, Olive Oil & Beeswax, you can alter the consistency by adjusting the amounts of each (more beeswax makes it thicker and more like a chapstick, less beeswax makes it runnier and more like a lotion). Below is one idea of what essential oils to add, but you can be as creative as you like, creating a salve to meet your own personal needs!

This recipe assumes you’re using doTERRA essential oils. When using other brands of oils, you’ll likely need lots more b/c they are not as concentrated or are already diluted.

What You'll Need
- 10 Drops Lavender
- 8 Drops Lemon
- 6 Drops Melaleuca
- 1 1/4 C Virgin Coconut Oil
- 3/4 C Olive Oil
- 4 heaping tablespoons grated bees wax

Melt in double boiler until just mixed. Add the above essential oils to 4oz jar then pour above mixture in jar. Recipe makes 4-5 4oz jars.

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