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Recipe: 'I want to do the laundry - wait, what?! Laundry Soap

Laundry Soap

This simple liquid laundry soap is so simple to make, and literally pennies per load! Avoid all the toxic fragrances & dyes found in modern laundry soaps! This recipe makes a big batch and can be used as a stain remover when applied directly to fabrics. All of these ingredients can be found easily online or in most local grocers. Add whatever scent you’d like to the whole batch, or to each load. Because essential oils are not synthetic, the scent does not linger as it would with moder laundry soaps. However, it does enhance the effectiveness of the soap. Adding a few drops of your favorite Essential Oil to a wash cloth or Wool Dryer Ball is another effective way to improve your laundry experience!

This recipe assumes you’re using doTERRA essential oils. When using other brands of oils, you’ll likely need lots more b/c they are not as concentrated or are already diluted.

What You'll Need
- 1/4 cup Borax
- 1/4 cup Washing Soda
- 1/2 cup liquid Castile Soap
- Your choice of 10 drops essential oils. Bergamot and Lemon.

Mix Borax, Washing Soda and 1 cup boiling water until dissolved. Add Castile soap and pour in ½ gallon container. Swish to mix. Add Essential Oils and swish. Fill container leaving head room for more swishing. Use about 1-2 tbsp. per load or ¼ cup per load of very dirty laundry. Watery -- but extremely effective.

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