Child Labor

Child Labor

We work them around here. They don’t earn their keep, and they’re not always cheery, but they work. They are paid in food and shelter and really great birthdays. And when other kids visit their faces light up and they squeal at the...

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Timbering Doos-n-Donts

Timbering Doos-n-Donts

Timbering on the Homestead Since we moved into our new place we’ve known that taking down trees to make way for the sunlight in the garden is necessary. Hence the timbering. Based on accessibility and Permaculture zone systems we also knew...

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Busy as the Bees

Busy as the Bees

someone turned 8 since the last post. When  I take long breaks from the blog I get nervous about what to say next. Like, it’d better be important, meaty and enthralling or the people of the e-verse will wonder why I’d bothered...

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