Tomato Paper Craft

Tomato Paper Craft

As we harvest, eat, and process the endless supply of tomatoes from our garden, Drew thought of a fun activity making use of tomato peels. The girls loved it, and the outcome is like stained glass… Many recipes for canning tomatoes call for...

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re-boot me please.

re-boot me please.

I’m having a difficult time being motivated to ‘start’ this week. I did actually accomplish some things, like made a loaf of bread yesterday, with some dough for later still in the fridge. This recipe is so simple & really...

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timely success

timely success

Here’s what we’ve been up to… harvesting tomatoes. We’ve had nearly 20-30 pounds per week. They seem to be literally coming out our ears this means we’ve canned a lot. Here is a list of recipes for delicious tomato-y...

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