‘What am I doing wrong?’, A Network Marketing business struggle

Self-Care, Vision, Mentoring, Planning, Mindset, Creativity… these are words you’ll often hear in the modern network marketing business industry. If you want to be successful in network marketing you have to have the words mentioned.

But what you maybe don’t know about is that those are not enough. Sometimes we forget that simple things must be considered first and done first to be successful in whatever business you do.

Now, I know you are getting curious, but this is what I’ll tell you, I know a way to make your business explosive… and it is through C4 understanding.

But then again that success depends on you. YOU’RE the detonator. Are you detonating responsibly?

We just released a book titled I Belong Here written by our very own Lacey Grim. The book is the culmination of everything we have made so far in relation to this blog so, give us a click and check the book!

We are sure that you are going to love and learn a lot from it!

Finding successful builders

All these come from the constant quest I hear about how to find successful builders.

Before I reveal this formula, you already have the tools to build a successful business. For example, PIPES is the framework that grows any business. But, just because you have the same tools doesn’t mean everyone will find the same success. But you all came here knowing all that already. 

And you all told us ahead of time what your struggles are. Feeling stuck, can’t find builders, not finding hostesses, frustrated, tired, weary.

Honestly, I too have the same struggles.

You already heard some incredible strategies, you have been inspired and tried some new things — but even these will fall short if you don’t use this simple formula that I am about to share.

My message is not a message of discouragement, if you know me you may know that I’m the one who fans flames. I have been doing that since I was a kid.

Have an idea? Let’s make it happen. Have a dream–that’s beautiful, go do that. I can inspire people to take action–but even that is only temporary, I can not stand over people all the time fanning their flames. I have a hard enough time keeping my own going! 

I have taken a minute or two over the last few years to assess my business, and then to look around at those around me. Honestly, trying to learn from others is something I’m pretty terrible at doing. I like keeping my eyes on my own projects and NOT learning from others.

Cracking the code in network marketing

network marketing business.

I have been really observing and I think you’ll agree that those who are super successful, diamonds, blues, and presidentials, have already cracked this code for themselves and potentially didn’t know it. 

But I’ve cracked the code, and I’m going to tell you.

And I’m really excited to tell you that there isn’t anyone that can’t make the strategies you’ve heard work beautifully. But you’ll have to apply all these things. And when something (anything) doesn’t work, you can use these 4 magical things and rate that activity against this formula and figure out what went wrong. 

I think this is powerful, and I hope you find that it brings you hope & new energy. That nagging question of ‘What am I doing wrong in my network marketing business?’ will be easily answered, and if you’re honest with yourself, you will be able to identify and alter your efforts accordingly. 

So what is the secret? I will reveal them in the next blog post.

If you want to take our quiz and see where you are strong and where you might need help you can go here:

Wondering what our business looks like and how we build an essential oils business? Check out our post on building a business.

We just released a book titled I Belong Here written by our very own Lacey Grim. The book is the culmination of everything we have made so far in relation to this blog so, give us a click and check the book!

We are sure that you are going to love and learn a lot from it!

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