Who’s Baby is This?!

We’ve been doing a lot of staring. There have been a few milk man jokes…but, really, I think we’re all excited and awestruck by the creativity of Creation. I mean, the same gene pool has turned out a very different baby. Our first 2 girls looked so much like their dad that I had given up the notion that strangers could pair my kids with me. They’re dark, I’m fair. They’re brown eyed, I’m blue.


This new one, well, she’s still a bit old-manish looking, as all newborns are. She’s growing into something though. Blue eyes, and maybe light hair coming in?!

Having children and watching them feels a little like looking at trees on a nature walk. First you have a Maple, the mighty maple tree with leaves anyone would recognize, it’s characteristics are magnificent and dependable and we know them. Then, you have a spruce. Sure, the maple and the spruce both grow tall, they have bark branches and roots–but the differences are numerous and the 2 are VERY different trees. Continue down the trail just a bit and you’ll meet a red bud or a dogwood or maybe even an apple…

When you’re pregnant you don’t know what to expect, and a little bit of me always expects more of the same, another Naomi, another Leviah. I have no real idea what Eliza’s personality will be. Looking back at the infancy of the other two their personalities were so obviously present, but it will take months and years for me to really know her and it’s SO tremendously exciting. The girls I have are such individuals, it seems like the ultimate privilege to be a part of their growth and having experienced that unveiling twice I think I’m appreciating it more this time around. I can’t wait to see who Eliza is going to be, what her interests and talents will be. Her unique look in one small way shows me how I have no idea what to expect…

eliza (photo courtesy of Gina Schultz Photography)

Here are family baby pics to compare. Looking through all the baby pics reminds me that it’s about time to share the birth story. It’ll come…


  • Rachel Posted July 19, 2011 5:57 am

    Beautiful! All three. I've thought of another, they're quite addicting aren't they?
    I can't wait to hear your birth story. It will probably make me cry, I know already.

  • Sunny Posted July 21, 2011 7:52 pm

    I don't know but she sure is cute. Wish I was in town so I could sniff her sweet little head. Can't wait for the birth story!

  • school house oils Posted July 22, 2011 1:28 am

    ah. i wish you were to sunny!

  • Nicola Posted July 22, 2011 4:05 am

    Oh man, what a bundle of cuties you have. And so beautifully put, even past their newborn and baby years, getting to know these amazing people, wondering who they will become, helping shape them, having them shape us…amazing.
    Love your new blog look/update!

  • The Handmaden Posted July 26, 2011 10:50 am

    3 of my children (the girls) all looked identical at birth but they are so different and individual now. I agree – it's such a privilege to have these little people under our care.
    Love Eliza's photo – so contentedly sleepy!

  • Becca Posted July 26, 2011 12:36 pm

    what a beautiful post. what a blessing children are!

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