Child Labor
We work them around here. They don’t earn their keep, and they’re not always cheery, but they work. They are paid in food and shelter and really great birthdays. And when other kids visit their faces light up and they squeal at the opportunity to help reminding us all how great we have it.

It has been a process to make a system that works for everyone–animal and human. There are still some kinks to work on, but it’s better everyday and the more accessible animal care is for the kids the more capable they feel and act.

Here’s how it happens:

First, they march (and sometimes run) up to the shed.
They fill each scoop.
feeding the animals with kids

They pull the wagon.
They deposit each scoop in the appropriate bowl or trough or tube or bucket.
farm girls

They pull the wagon back up to the shed, close the door and they come in for breakfast. 

And everyone’s happy.
feeding farm animals
farm chores
They also gather eggs, empty dishwashers, put away clothes, clean their room and help in other ways too.
Do your kids have chores?

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