‘What am I doing wrong?’, A Network Marketing business struggle, Part 4

Welcome to the last part of the series of blogs called, ‘What am I doing wrong?’, A Network Marketing Business struggle.

If you haven’t read the previous ones, here they are!
Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Just click which ones you haven’t read yet.

For this last part, we are going to talk about the last C that will complete the C4 understanding. This will help you to be so successful in your network marketing business or any business for that matter.

Hey! We just released a book titled I Belong Here written by our very own Lacey Grim. The book is the culmination of everything we have made so far in relation to this blog so, give us a click and check the book!

We are sure that you are going to love and learn a lot from it!

Confidence in your network marketing business

Without confidence, people question your competence. (did you hear that?)

Sometimes ‘humility’ comes across as a lack of confidence. But we just said–the Creator of the Universe is on our side! That deserves boldness, fortitude. Be careful about too much humility! Humble yourself only to He who made you.

Alright, so I’m going to take a step back and show you a picture you may have seen before.

This is important to recognize and REALLY come to terms with. But also, to scrap for the moment. So, while I fully believe in this staircase, I’ve looked at it googly eyed many times when I felt stuck, and it didn’t move me forward AT ALL!

Belief does not equal confidence

Sometimes it’s less about belief and more about the confidence to take action. I can believe something all day, but without CREATING it, it won’t reflect in my business.

This is where you see all the Cs working together. So, bear that in mind when you look at this chart.

You can believe all day long that you want to save 1,000 kids from sex-trafficking. So, then what are you going to CREATE to make that happen?

That aside, capability and confidence go hand in hand. With experience, with repetition we can improve almost any behavior, habit, skill. But confidence is less about ability, and more about portraying your shiny-ness to others effectively because YOU BELIEVE IT. 

So, being led by fear is the opposite of confidence, and it sounds like: 

  • There’s not enough time (constant battle with lack of time)
  • My network is too small.
  • I’m too old/young/etc.
  • My people don’t have enough $
  • I’m not good at finding builders
  • Overthinking. Waiting until things are perfect
  • It usually looks like inaction

Confidence looks like:

To me, and yes, I’ve said almost all of the above at some point, this sounds JUST like the spies that went into the promised land–know that one?

Why would God tell you to do something He wouldn’t make sure you could actually do? Get out of your own way. Get out of HIS way. He who started a good work in you….? 

Alright, I don’t want to get too preachy, but I hope you’re feeling like this is an area that deserves your attention. 

Speaking of if you want to know how strong is your confidence take our quiz below to get yourself assessed.

Now, you can proudly raise your hand if you ranked yourself a 7+ with confidence. 

We just released a book titled I Belong Here written by our very own Lacey Grim. The book is the culmination of everything we have made so far in relation to this blog so, give us a click and check the book!

We are sure that you are going to love and learn a lot from it!

How to gain a solid confidence in Network Marketing

Ok, so…this one is hard. It practically requires brain surgery. So, what am I going to say for you to do? 

#1 Watch out who you’re hanging out with

People you hang out with will either uplift your confidence or perpetuate the lies. Most perpetuate lies because it feels safe to know boundaries and stay within them. It’s fundamental you fill your spare time with people and material that uplifts you.

#2 Meditation on TRUTH

THIS IS ANOTHER MASSIVE ONE. And this is how you can meditate effectively.

  1. Recordings to listen while you’re going to sleep. 
  2. Write a brilliant gratitude statement as if what you WANT has happened. 
  3. Take 10-20 minutes to MEDITATE on this daily. EVERY DAY. 
    1. Prayer is asking Him, Meditation is listening to what He asks.
      1. When we are in alignment with the purpose we were created for–there’s a fire that can’t be extinguished. 
      2. Story of Hanukkah–they wanted the menorah to remain lit, and even though they physically didn’t have enough, they did. We don’t have to understand how He will provide, but we have to know He will. We have to leave space for miracles.
  4. Verses from the Bible. Deuteronomy 31:6 

#3 Be strong and courageous

Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, “For the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

  1. Audible has several free ones for success, etc.
  2. JOURNALING with affirmations. 

Meditation is huge. When we pray, we talk to God. When we meditate, He talks to us. Guiding those meditations with what we know consciously He has planned for us is powerful. It can rewire the subconscious that tends to focus on threats, fear, and impossibilities.

Here is a little creative way for you to meditate.

  • Take your 12 affirmations and put them on the sides of your dice. Color and cut them out then fold and glue them. Use them as a focus for your daily meditations. Take the time to remind yourself what you ACTUALLY want to believe.

Last note that will help you with your network marketing struggles

Abraham has a favorite song: ‘I’m not afraid of the dark, why would a star be afraid of the dark?’ 

He IS actually afraid of the dark. He loves this song because it helps him know he’s not alone in that fear. It helps him take back power of that feeling and recognize it as normal.

BUT, repeating this affirmation is a massive thing for a 3 year old that I’m hoping will help him gain control over the fear that is really illogical.

What illogical fears are you holding on to? Your result from the quiz have surely cleared that! So, what song can you repeat to rewire that? 

So, it comes to an end… BUT!

I’m done impressing upon you, I hope you feel you’ve benefited from this information and you’re ready to do what it takes to be the detanator of your own C4.

I’m going to leave you with the gift of listening to Abraham’s favorite song–there are other gems in it…and warning, some of you may not think my parenting skills are amazing after this, but it’s Drew’s fault. 

We just released a book titled I Belong Here written by our very own Lacey Grim. The book is the culmination of everything we have made so far in relation to this blog so, give us a click and check the book!

We are sure that you are going to love and learn a lot from it!

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